Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My husband is crazy

Another ski season is upon us where I have to worry every time if my husband will come home alive. He likes to ski out of bounce which terrifies me especially when I watch the news and see how people get caught in avalanches for doing it. So last night I threaten him that if he was to die for doing something stupid on his skis that I would get remarried right away just to spite him. So he drew up what he calls an official Will and had me sign it. It says that all of his money from the life insurance would go to Parker and Jack and not to a freeloading dirt bag(those are his exact words). Some how I don't think it will hold up in court.


Kylie Blackwell said...

HAHA! Your hubby is so dang funny!

gillman said...

dave is so funny! but i do understand your pain, i hate it when they take risks like that!! i will help you find a hottie husband if he dies doing soemthing stupid!! HAHA!

Unknown said...

OMG! Dave makes me laugh SO hard. I can't tell you how many people commented after the Halloween party how hilarious dave is. He keeps life interesting.