Saturday, March 7, 2009

Date Night

You always hear from people that you should go on dates with your spouse which sounds easier they it is, especially when kids come along. It seems like Dave and I never got time together without the kids there. So now every we have one night every week that is date night. Dave and I have a scheduled babysitter, he comes the same day and same time and we go out. Sometimes we go with people, but other times it is just the 2 of us. It is such a great thing for any relationship and I highly recommend it. You just get to remember what it was like before you got married, when you would go have fun together. It seems like when things get crazy during the week I just see myself looking forward to Date night. Dave works so much right now so when I do see him we are both so tired and we just sit and watch TV. I also feel like the only time Dave sees me is in the morning when I look scary, and then at night when I am either in my PJ's or in my clothes that are dirty from taking care of kids all day. It is fun to get a little dolled up for him, like again I used to when we were dating.

1 comment:

Amy Jensen said...

I am a true believer of that one on one time with your hubby at least once a month if not more, like you guys do with once a week. I think that is great. I know some people say "oh we don't have money" then go do something that doesn't cost money or just put the kids to bed early and cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie together!