Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thank heaven for sisters

Yesterday after my nieces dance performance Parker and I went to Brick oven with everybody who came to the show. I had been looking forward to going out all day and then for some reason when we got there I didn't have an appetite which is very strange for me. I just ordered some food for Parker, a salad for me and then some pasta to take home to Dave. I was up getting pasta for Dave and Parker and I started getting a hot flash and light headed and seriously thought I was going to pass out. Luckily my sister Camie was right next to me in line so I asked her to get my pasta and I started to walk to the bathroom. Well half way there I all the sudden had to throw up and I tried as hard as I could to wait until I got to the bathroom but without any luck. Right there in the middle of the restaurant I lost my cookies, and as some of you know that you have zero bladder control when you are pregnant, it also made me wet my pants. The poor brick oven employee that witnessed the whole thing was very sweet and asked it I was OK and then told me where the bathroom was. I ran to the bathroom and finished throwing up in the stall and sat there and looked at myself and thought how am I going to walk back to the table and get my purse and Parker so we could leave when I had throw up on my shoes and jacket. I seriously didn't know what to do, so I come out of the stall and their is Jen and Kesli making sure I was OK. I was so happy to see them. Kesli went and got my purse and Jen said she would take care of Parker for me and bring him home. I was seriously so grateful. Kesli brought me my purse and I was able to leave. This had to be one of my most embarrassing moments. I was so grateful to have sisters there to take care of me in that embarrassing situation. This was so weird especially since I didn't throw up my entire morning sickness. Sorry for the gross story but it just shows that sisters love you even in your worst situations, and another example that pregnancy takes all your dignity away.


gillman said...

oh cor! that is so awful for you!! i am so sorry you had to go through that. but you are right, so glad there was people to help take care of you!! hope you don't start getting sick now, you've done so good!!!

Jessica F. said...

Oh dear! That is the saddest story. I hope you don't throw up more, that is the worst... next to peeing your pants of course!!!
You do have the greatest sisters EVER!

Kylie Blackwell said...

Oh That is terrible! I did this at work a few times so I know your pain! Thank heaven for sisters!

Becky said...

Hey Cor! I haven't had the chance to visit your blog for a while. Did I even know that you're pregnant?!! Cause I don't think I did. Congrats!! (Even though it caused an embarrassing moment. Ü It'll be fun to laugh about one day, right?)

You and Cam and Jen have the best relationship and you really are so lucky to have them. I can't wait til I can move closer to my sisters!

You're boys are so cute and they are getting so big! It's crazy! Good to catch up!!

The Crazy Clawson's said...

that is crazy...but i totally feel your pain...pregnacy is hard......but you do have great sisters....hope all is well

Jamielyn said...

I am so sorry! That happened to me a couple times, but just at home. I was needing to go to the bathroom and throw up at the same time and didnt know which to do first. I figured I couldn't really hold in the throw up...but I guess I couldn't hold the pee in either! I'm glad your sister was there to help out!