Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Another show I am hooked on in True Beauty. I think the biggest reason is because of this guy. Holy Cow he is hot. I think he might be on the list(those of you who are Friends fans know what I mean.) Of course he's got nothing on Dave. Dave is still hotter.


Anonymous said...

That is sooo funny. I've watched that show on and off (guilt-ily) It is so funny. Maybe I'm too picky on what "beautiful" is, but I would never catorgorize any of those people as "America's most beautiful". It's an interesting show, though! (Glad I'm not the only one who watches it!)

Kylie Blackwell said...

Haha, I have to come clean, I watch that show. It sucks me in. And Jamie, what is your problem? That guy is SO hot!

gillman said...

i am going to have to start watching these shows...he is pretty hot....
Meg :0)

The Downey Family said...

He is a hottie!! I think he is on my 5 too!! The Laminated version