Thursday, February 19, 2009

My niece Kiah discovered the most delicious treat while you are dieting. If you put Fat Free or Sugar Free French Vanilla Coffee mate on your favorite fruit with 1 packet of splenda it is so good. You feel like you are getting a real treat while you are dieting and it is so low in calories. It has become a family favorite. My personal favorite is strawberries. But I know other in my family have tried banana's, blueberries, and Mango's. Happy Dieting.


Anonymous said...

Corey, I am so glad I found your blog. Your family is cute and your boys are getting so big so fast. You totally don't need to diet. You look amazing!! Are you still selling your house? We need to get together sometime soon and catch up.

Anonymous said...

You already lost 5? Way to go Corey? I need you to be my motivator. Keep sharing your secrets...